Why I stepped down as general chair for ICSA 2017

This week I stepped down as general chair for the 2017 International Conference on Software Architecture. It was a very difficult decision and not one frequently made by a general chair. So, what happened? It all started an honest misunderstanding on my part. When I was asked to act as general chair as the proposal … Read more

Leading through Disruption (or not)

One of the ongoing questions in my mind is why large companies have such a difficult time managing disruptions and, as a consequence, why the average tenure of companies on the Fortune 500 has now decreased to 10-12 years. My thinking around this question got triggered recently, when I received an email in response to … Read more

On Hierarchy, Micro-Management and Leadership in R&D

Over the last years, I periodically visited a company that I have really admired for a long time for their focus on autonomous agile teams. These teams have a lot of freedom within their area of responsibility and can choose virtually anything from the platforms to use, the tools to use, when to release, what … Read more

Speed, Data and Ecosystems

As Marc Andreessen so eloquently wrote in his Wall street Journal OpEd, software is eating the world. In virtually every industry, ranging from banking to retail and from mobile phones to self-driving cars, the companies that are winning are the ones who are best at software. Many, however, wonder what it means to be best, … Read more