Five Reasons Why You Are Not Data-Driven

  (Photo by Arif Wahid on Unsplash) This week I spent a lot of time with companies talking about data and using data for a variety of purposes, ranging from improved decision making to machine learning and deep learning systems. All companies I talk to have tons of data in their archives and often generate … Read more

Projects Suck; Do Products Instead!

Image credit: pixabay With the vacation in the Nordics largely over, I have had the opportunity again to spend time with several companies over the last week. I noticed a pattern that I had seen before but didn’t really reflect upon: whenever a company that I work with is experiencing difficulty in changing to where … Read more

Does Agile Kill Innovation?

Photo by Kristopher Roller on Unsplash During a recent conversation with a journalist, the downsides of agile came up in the interview. The questions were centered around stress levels of team members, the frustration with not being able to do a proper design before building features, the perceived reduction in innovation and other factors. During … Read more

Towards Dataism

Over the last months, one of the books that I’ve been reading is Homo Deus by Yuval Noah Harari. It’s a really worthwhile read and I can warmly recommend it. One of the key ideas that he brings up in the last part of the book is the evolution of religions that mankind seems to … Read more