How we can support you

Over the last 30+ years, I have worked with a variety of companies, ranging from large, international companies to small startups and building anything from safety-critical embedded systems to mobile apps. Together with my team, we offer advice, projects and solutions in four main areas, i.e. digital transformation, internal and ecosystem platforms, artificial intelligence and becoming data- and outcome-driven.

Our interaction with you may consist of a variety of activities, including:

  • Presentations at events for awareness creation and building a platform for change
  • Assessments to establish the gap between current and desired state
  • Recommendations to help companies transition to the desired state
  • Coaching and mentoring of change teams and organizations during the transformation phase

Typically, we operate on the boundary between business strategy and technology strategy. Contact me in case you would like to learn more.

Below some more details on my work on digital transformation, platforms, artificial intelligence and data.

Digital Transformation

Digital transformation involves the transition from a transactional business model to a continuous business model where we continuously deliver value to customers. Typically, this requires techniques such as continuous deployment (or DevOps), value design, A/B testing, etc. However, the start is a fundamental shift of the interface to the customer as well as of the business model. There are many aspects to digital transformation and many organizations fail to address all relevant dimensions and fail to reap the benefits. Also, there is no recipe that works for everyone and each organization has to develop its own strategy and path. However, that does not mean that you have to go it alone. I can help!

To read more, here are some of my blog posts that might be interesting:

Or if you prefer to watch, here is a related talk on YouTube

Platforms and ecosystems

Few topics lead to as much discussion in companies as platforms. Having worked with platforms for most of the last 30 years, I have seen the notion of platforms evolve over time and today we can distinguish at least three main goals that companies have for platforms, i.e. platforms for reuse, platforms for DevOps and platforms for an ecosystem. Companies are often confused and unclear about their platform strategy, which leads to major inefficiencies and tension. I have worked with a variety of companies on their platform strategy, the link to the business strategy and the role of the ecosystem surrounding the platform.

To read more, this might be an interesting starting point: 10 learnings about platforms.

On YouTube there is an interview by Software Engineering Radio with me on the topic of platforms.

Artificial Intelligence

As one of the key digital technologies, no company can afford to ignore this transformational technology and every company that I work with has one or more prototypes and experiments ongoing. However, taking these prototypes and deploying these in real-world systems proves to be very challenging and many fail in this step. In response, we have worked hard on AI Engineering as a discipline to ensure that all the engineering required to successfully deploy machine- and deep-learning models in production are available. I work with several companies on addressing this challenge.

If you like to read more, this might be an interesting article: Towards autonomously improving systems

On YouTube you can watch me here:

Working with Data

Digitalization is concerned with three technologies, i.e. software, data and artificial intelligence and we need to address all three to successfully transition to becoming a digital company. For data, this means organizing the legal collection of data, data pipelines, data lakes, analytics, etc. However, data is also a key enabler for experimental development approaches such as A/B testing as well as for data-driven decision making and value design.

Some relevant reads include:

If you prefer to watch a talk:

Why Aren’t You a Data Driven Company Yet