It’s All About Your Digital Twin

As I have been writing about adopting data-driven decision making in the broad sense and data-driven development more narrowly over the last weeks, several people have reached out to me, discussed with me and more generally explored the subject with me. During these engagements, I realized that many products and services exist for the sole … Read more

Why It’s Not About Speed

We live in a world that is driven by a Need for Speed and when leaders mention agility, continuous integration and continuous deployment, often speed is mentioned as the key driver. Having worked with dozens of companies, my learning is that companies go through a number of evolution steps in order to work with speed. … Read more

From Dozens to Thousands (or Millions) of Products

This week I spent time in Denmark at a summit organized by the Manufacturing Academy of Denmark (MADE). During the summit I met several people that expressed pride at the richness of their product portfolio. Some companies have a dozen different products, others may have close a hundred products. All these products are complicated including … Read more

Why 2018 Was A Great Year

As the last post before my Christmas vacation, I thought to reflect with you on 2018. Despite all the apocaholics, the political turmoil in several countries in the Western hemisphere and the stock market tanking like it’s going out of style, I want to remind everyone that we are living in the best time in … Read more

Why You Are Stuck In The Past

As the year is coming to an end, I’ve been reflecting on my experiences from all the companies that I have worked with during the last 12 months. One reflection that I had was that many companies tend to be stuck in the past and that my role often is to make the people I … Read more

Your Product Is No Longer The Product

Recently, when interviewing (for our research) someone at a company in the food space, I learned something that I hadn’t realized: these days, cheese is a by-product. For thousands of years, farmers milked cows and then, as a way to preserve the milk, they made cheese out of it. And that cheese, or at least … Read more

Are You Ready To Burn The Ships?

This week I gave a talk at a meetup on business agility. The, admittedly controversial, title of my talk was “Why Digitalization Will Kill Your Company Too”, a topic that I discussed in a previous blog post. The interesting thing during the meetup was that lots of participants asked me why companies are not changing … Read more

Why Do You Do What You Do?

The last days, I had some time to reflect and one of the things that consistently surfaces is the amount of irritation and frustration that many people experience in their jobs. Now, to be clear, the people that I work with and that I meet are no complainypants at all, but generally serious, hard-working people … Read more

Do You Have Skin in the Game?

Over the last month or so, I have been reading a book titled “Skin in the game” by Taleb. He doesn’t like academics very much and scientists get roasted quite severely in several chapters. Being a professor myself, that stings a little but the problem is that I agree with him. His main point, severely … Read more

Why Large Companies Change Slowly

During the last weeks, I reflected on the difference between the startups and the large, established companies that I work with. One of the main differences seems to be the amount of freedom that individuals have. When a company is first formed and the initial team is assembled, there is of course the normal “storming, … Read more