10 Learnings About Platforms

Having worked with platforms for the better part of three decades, I have seen the notion of platforms evolve over time and today we can distinguish at least three main goals that companies have for platforms, i.e. platforms for reuse, platforms for DevOps and platforms for an ecosystem. The platform for reuse was the original … Read more

Entrepreneur lesson #5: Your offering price is wrong

Few topics lead to such heated debates in startups as the pricing of the offering. There are at least four dimensions that play a role in the discussions: money first or customer first, based on value or cost, premium first or low-end first and direct versus indirect monetization. The first dimension is concerned with the … Read more

Outdated belief #9: We can’t do DevOps because we need safety certification

Embedded systems, by their definition, contain mechanical and electronic components and, through that, interact with the real world. Many of these systems may cause harm to humans if they act in erroneous ways. This is, of course, the case for aeronautical and automotive applications as well as for medical equipment. But also most systems that … Read more

Outdated belief #6: The data is owned by the customer and we can’t monetize it

Digitalization is concerned with the three key enabling digital technologies software, data and artificial intelligence. These build on each other as it typically is software that generates the data from systems in the field and it’s this data (preferably labeled) that forms the basis for machine learning and deep learning. The software-intensive systems industry, as … Read more

Outdated belief #5: Bill of materials trumps everything

A long time ago, I had a discussion with a software architect working for a consumer electronics company. We talked about development efficiency and he explained to me the economics of high-volume manufacturing. When you manufacture a million televisions and you can squeeze one euro out of the bill-of-materials cost, you’ve made the company a … Read more