Are you building a minimal viable elephant?

As part of the research in Software Center, I work with dozens of companies in the software-intensive embedded systems space on a variety of topics. One of these topics is the development of new products. Having worked with online companies, as well as startups, I’ve become indoctrinated with Steve Blank’s ideas and the “lean startup” … Read more

So, you’re customer centric?

This week, for the umpteenth time, I met a team in the process of putting a new product in the market, telling me that they were so customer centric. What they meant was that during development, they’d talked to a number of potential customers and some of the employees had used prototypes. For those that … Read more

When you don’t know, run experiments

The effects of digitalization and other technological shifts cause companies to realize they need to change. This often leads to significant discussions in the organization as there typically are several alternatives being considered by different people. These might include topics such as business models, product implications, partnerships with suppliers and technology providers. Agreeing on the … Read more

Living on the edge

With data- and AI-driven development taking over the world, it may easily seem that the cloud is the place where everything happens. This is where the data is stored and analyzed, where the machine- and deep-learning models run and where all the value resides. The perspective of people living in this world is that all … Read more

Machine & Deep Learning: Experimentation Stage

This week I got the opportunity to speak at the initiative seminar organized by the Chalmers AI Research center (CHAIR). The key message in my presentation was that working with artificial intelligence (AI) and specifically machine & deep learning (ML/DL) constitutes a major software engineering challenge that is severely underestimated by companies that start to … Read more

It’s All About Your Digital Twin

As I have been writing about adopting data-driven decision making in the broad sense and data-driven development more narrowly over the last weeks, several people have reached out to me, discussed with me and more generally explored the subject with me. During these engagements, I realized that many products and services exist for the sole … Read more

Data-Driven Development: Step 1 – Model Feature Value

In my research and consulting engagements with companies, one of the recurring themes is the ambition of companies to become more data-driven in their way of working. After working on this topic with a variety of companies, my fellow researchers and I defined an adoption process that companies go through when adopting data-driven development practices. … Read more

From Dozens to Thousands (or Millions) of Products

This week I spent time in Denmark at a summit organized by the Manufacturing Academy of Denmark (MADE). During the summit I met several people that expressed pride at the richness of their product portfolio. Some companies have a dozen different products, others may have close a hundred products. All these products are complicated including … Read more