From Agile to Radical: customers don’t want DevOps

As companies seek to adopt continuous practices, one of the claims I run into a lot is that customers don’t want DevOps. This argument is often used as a way to cut off the discussion as we obviously shouldn’t do what customers don’t want. Instead, we should keep things as they are as customers are … Read more

From Agile to Radical: link architecture and teams 

Many of the companies I work with have a continuous discussion concerning organizing teams around the architecture, i.e. component teams, or organizing teams around features. Many factors play into deciding on the preferred model. My general advice is to focus on where the highest degree of complexity and challenge is. If specific components contain highly … Read more

From Agile to Radical: steering teams

Some years ago, Frederic Laloux published a book called “Reinventing organizations,” which received quite a bit of attention in the media and industry. The basic premise was that organizations don’t need hierarchies, managers and bosses but should instead rely on other mechanisms. Mechanisms such as the advice process, agreements and roles. Others had published works … Read more

Post-vacation reflections

After more than three weeks of amazing vacation, I am now gearing up to get back to work again. And that, of course, means returning to posting on my blog as well. This summer was really good for me in that I completely disconnected from work, email, paper reviews, writing, PhD student supervision, research center … Read more